My projects - Current Focus
I chose Villa Constitución as my first city for OGF because it was less fully realized than most of my current imaginary cities, and I thought that with its rigid, Chicago-style "grid" layout it would scale out quickly and easily as I learned how to use the OSM tools for mapping. The city of "Villa" has evolved in to my personal geographic tribute to all the large cities I have called home - you can see representative parts of each of them in its geography: Mexico City, Minneapolis, Chicago, Los Angeles, Gwangju, Seoul.
I am actively mapping in the northwest region of the country. There are number of elements in other regions that I intend to fully redesign, including the capital city.
I invented this little city-state to function as a sort of cultural "bridge" between Ardisphere, Mahhal, and the rest of the OGF world - everything can overlap there. If I had to give a "concept summary" for Tárrases in one sentence, I would say, "mix Gibraltar and Macao, and put it in a Bergen, Norway, climate." It is progressing nicely, and currently, it is my best mapping in OGF, in my own opinion.
It is currently my most "complete" work, in my own estimation.
I am a sporadically active member of the volunteer admin team on OGF, although I am probably too philosophical and verbose to be truly effective in that role.
My projects - "On hold"
Mahhal was a fully-realized planetary-scale culture and geofiction that I created originally at age 13 or 14. I had made a number of paper maps (really it was an entire city atlas) which I vividly remember, but those paper maps were lost. Although many things have had to be changed, I wanted to try to reconceptualize Mahhal as an archipelago for OGF.
My work in Mahhal is currently on hold, pending major redesign of the country.
Currently, Gohanguk is a country without a map. I may try to map it in the future. I am intrigued by the idea of developing the "wiki presence" of a country before mapping it - it might make it the mapping project easier, since the wiki framework would form a "plan."
I have taken an active interest in Rhododactylia, including mapping the area called Salapanta in the north of the country (map), and creating a "native lands" area and culture in the central region (map). I intend to return to this in the future, as I have many more ideas I'd like to implement. I think of all the "Blue Countries," Rhododactylia is the one for which I have developed the most interest and attachment.
My projects - Past Work
For one of my "challenges" I made this refugee settlement, based on the idea of the civil war in Commonia. Frankly, Commonia frustrates me a great deal, and I may try to work to collaborate with someone, eventually, to preserve this work in a more coherent and better administered location.
I made some effort to collaborate on Gobras City in this "open-to-edit country". I built a very detailed neighborhood (with accompanying wiki article) called Ward 14 (map).
During January, 2015, I hacked together a new Main Page and in February, 2015, it went live. I successfully persuaded other members of the community to take on the monthly updating of the page with new features, so it is a completely successful transition to "production status."
For a year, I made monthly "challenges" which give other mappers and myself something to focus on. I have been hoping to see other users take up the mantle and continue this concept, moving forward, but I have stopped because it felt like too much of a time commitment during periods when I wasn't able to work on OGF regularly.
"Archanta Coastal Commissioner"
I became involved in coastline maintenance, both "behind-the-scenes" but trying to provide some useful documentation and standardizing the "coastline relations" in the map. This is important as the number of active users in the community increases.
About Me
I am Luciano. I started on OGF using the username Ardisphere. "Luciano Jones" is a pseudonym that predates my participation in OGF, but it is also the name of my "inside OGF avatar" - there is a certain Luciano Jones who lives in the Ardisphere (with a nice vacation condo in Tárrases as well), who enjoys geofiction. He's created an imaginary place called "Earth." I am not intentionally hiding my real-world identity, but I do prefer to keep the OGF thing a bit separate.
I am Welsh by ancestry, Californian by birth, Latin American by acculturation having lived in Mexico and Chile, and currently a long-term resident of South Korea. Further, I have a strong "Australian connection," because my step-father was Australian, and my mother is a naturalized Australian citizen, and though I have never lived there I have visited there quite often.
I live in the suburbs of Seoul, South Korea. I am a teacher (elementary and middle school). Four years ago, I fought a difficult battle with stage-3 cancer which I only won by virtue of high-tech experimental surgery and my amazing doctors and the Korean Healthcare system. That adventure, however, granted me a lot of free time lying around in hospital beds and at home, so I resumed my youthful habit of inventing imaginary cities and countries.
I enjoy inventing cities and countries, and have been doing so since childhood. Most of my geofiction projects have entire, planet-scaled worlds backing them up, so I do not want to "uproot" them by placing them in OGF. The work I do in OGF is based largely on geofiction concepts adapted from my less well-developed pre-OGF ideas.
File:LucianosNeighborhood2.jpg Winter: A view from the hill looking southwest toward my neighborhood in Goyang City, South Korea. If the resolution were better, you could see my apartment window.
A self-portrait I made while in the cancer hospital. I look exactly like this, but different.
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