Welcome to the geofictician wiki.
The use of relation type "collection" is considered wrong for OSM data. The underlying philosophy is that "relations are not categories."
However, there are much more extensive resources for making detailed queries against the "live," current OSM data than there are in OGF. Thus, for example, suppose I have done a bunch of river work in my country, Ardisphere, and I want to get an OSM file that has the river data but not all the other stuff (because to get the whole country makes for a much too massive file!). I have to wait 24 hours (or more) for a backup file, and do an extract.
Alternately, by using collection relations, I can immediately download my rivers in JOSM by using the "download object" feature, as long as I'm making sure I add my rivers to the correct "rivers" collection relation as I edit them.
Further, I have found that by holding a set of objects (nodes, ways, relations) in a collection in this way, I can use the External Data Mediawiki extension to directly query the OGF database and present the resulting information in a wiki table. The below table is in fact an example of this query process. The data in the table is not in the wiki - it's being queried "live" (with a caching delay) from the "map."
- The following data has been retrieved from this URL, using the External Data MediaWiki extension.
OGF Type | Relation | Description
collection | (relation 5832) | RUTA-VC all relations (this is "route-master-master") |
collection | (relation 6408) | All of Luciano's Registries and Collections |
collection | (relation 9002) | DT-MHGRLC - Mahhal geographic registry of landcover relations in Tarrases (relations) |
collection | (relation 9336) | RDA - Registro diplomático ardesférico |
collection | (relation 12716) | RHCA - registro hidrológico, costa ardesférica |
collection | (relation 17139) | RFZH - registro federal de zonas históricas |
collection | (relation 18403) | RLRFA-M - registro de lugares religiosos - Minoritarios |
collection | (relation 18431) | RSMD - registro de sitios del ministerio de defensa |
collection | (relation 18432) | RHIC - registro hidrológico, islas costeras |
collection | (relation 18790) | RFPZCE - registro federal de parques nacionales y zonas de conservación ecológica |
collection | (relation 18834) | RFA - Registro federal de aerodromos |
collection | (relation 18896) | RIEN4 - registro de instituciones educativas, nivel 4o (e.g. universidades) |
collection | (relation 19001) | RSPN2 - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 2o (comunas, delegaciones, zonas, siroedd, -군) |
collection | (relation 19203) | RHRC-A - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes A (drenaje Río Albañiles, no incluso Occidental) |
collection | (relation 19964) | RHRC-H - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes H (drenaje Río Hierro Alto) |
collection | (relation 19978) | RHRC-C - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes C (drenaje Marverde, incluso Ríos Ronca e Impermanencia) |
collection | (relation 19990) | RHLRM - registro hidrológico, lagos y riberas menores (ways) |
collection | (relation 20003) | RHRC-D - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes D (drenaje vertiente sur, Bahía Negra y Río del Au) |
collection | (relation 20246) | RSPN1 - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 1o (sujetos federales) |
collection | (relation 20248) | RHRC-E - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes E (drenaje Río Lagarto y región noroccidental) |
collection | (relation 20251) | RHRC-F - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes F (drenaje Occidental: Río de Ranas y Río Castillo) |
collection | (relation 20252) | RHCX - registro hidrológico, canales y embalses artificiales |
collection | (relation 20253) | RHRC-B - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes B (drenaje Río Hierro Bajo, no incluso Río Peligro) |
collection | (relation 20255) | RHRC-G - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes G (drenaje Río Grande y Río Albañiles Bajo) |
collection | (relation 20256) | RECD - registro de estadios y centros deportivos (incluso autódromos) |
collection | (relation 20257) | RIEN1 - registro de instituciones educativas, nivel 1o (e.g. primarias) |
collection | (relation 20268) | RIEN2 - registro de instituciones educativas, nivel 2o (e.g. secundarias) |
collection | (relation 20269) | RIEN3 - registro de instituciones educativas, nivel 3o (e.g. liceos y colegios) |
collection | (relation 20270) | RFCM - registro federal de centros médicos |
collection | (relation 20271) | RCN - registro de correos nacionales |
collection | (relation 20272) | RFPU - registro federal de parques urbanos |
collection | (relation 20274) | RGM - registro geológico, montes |
collection | (relation 20275) | RHCDC - registro hidrológico, crestas divisorias de cuencas |
collection | (relation 20276) | RFPR - registro federal de parques regionales |
collection | (relation 20277) | RFIGE - registro federal de instalaciones de generación eléctrica |
collection | (relation 20282) | RHRC-I - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes I (drenaje Moyica, incluso Río de Rosas y Río de Torres) |
collection | (relation 20283) | RHRC-J - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes J (drenaje Río Tierra Pura) |
collection | (relation 20291) | RFIS - registro federal de instalaciones de saneamiento |
collection | (relation 20292) | RSPN3-DF - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DF) |
collection | (relation 20506) | RTF - registro de talleres ferroviarios |
collection | (relation 22205) | RFOG - registro federal de oficinas gubermentales |
collection | (relation 22393) | RPP - registro de playas públicas |
collection | (relation 22398) | RIII - registro instalaciones industriales importantes |
collection | (relation 22399) | RTTP - registro de terminales de transporte público |
collection | (relation 22427) | RFRN - registro federal de rutas nacionles (RN XX) |
collection | (relation 22429) | RLRFA-C - registro de lugares religiosos - Chogués |
collection | (relation 22793) | RLRFA-O - registro de lugares religiosos - Ortólicos |
collection | (relation 22811) | RHRC-K - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes K (drenaje Río Gloria alto, incluso Río Camposverdes) |
collection | (relation 22812) | RHRC-M - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes M (drenaje Río Gloria bajo) |
collection | (relation 22835) | RHRC-L - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes L (drenaje Río de Lotos) |
collection | (relation 22836) | RHRC-N - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes N (drenaje Río Gris y Lago Libertad) |
collection | (relation 23002) | RHRC-O - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes O (drenaje Lagos del Avestruz y Catausca) |
collection | (relation 23003) | RHRC-P - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes P (drenaje Río Peligro) |
collection | (relation 23006) | RHRC-Q - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes Q (drenaje Río Hierro - Valle Quiroga y Río Bahagala) |
collection | (relation 23031) | RFL-CC - registro federal de lugares en Colonia Coreana (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23032) | RFL-CG - registro federal de lugares en Colonia Galesa (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23340) | RFL-DB - registro federal de lugares en Departamento Boreal (place nodes admin_level=8) |
collection | (relation 23369) | RFL-DC - registro federal de lugares en Departamento del Centro (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23370) | RFL-DF - registro federal de lugares en Distrito Federal (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23371) | RFL-DL - registro federal de lugares en Departamento Libertad (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23372) | RFL-DM - registro federal de lugares en Departamento de Montañas (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23373) | RFL-DO - registro federal de lugares en Departamento Occidental (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23374) | RFL-DP - registro federal de lugares en Departamento de Páramaos (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23375) | RFL-DS - registro federal de lugares en Departamento del Sur (place nodes) |
collection | (relation 23376) | RZM - registro de zonas mineras |
collection | (relation 23377) | RPTD - registro de parques temáticos y de diversiones |
collection | (relation 23540) | RFAP - registro federal de agencias policiacas |
collection | (relation 23765) | RFBM - registro federal de bibliotecas y museos |
collection | (relation 28381) | RFLL - registro federal de legislaturas locales |
collection | (relation 28382) | REFV - registro de estaciones ferroviarias |
collection | (relation 28383) | ARBR - Aorangëan Registry of Boundary Relations |
collection | (relation 37199) | DT-MHGRA08-R - Mahhal government registry of towns in Tárrases (admin_level=8 boundary relations) |
collection | (relation 37235) | RLCC-G - registro logias ciclopédicas (blanquianas) |
collection | (relation 37490) | RLCC-C - registro logias cartográficas (comonianas) |
collection | (relation 37574) | RSPN3-CC - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en CC) |
collection | (relation 38334) | RSPN3-CG - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en CG) |
collection | (relation 38401) | RSPN3-DB - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DB) |
collection | (relation 38402) | RSPN3-DC - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DC) |
collection | (relation 38403) | RSPN3-DL - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DL) |
collection | (relation 38404) | RSPN3-DM - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DM) |
collection | (relation 38405) | RSPN3-DO - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DO) |
collection | (relation 38406) | RSPN3-DP - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DP) |
collection | (relation 38407) | RSPN3-DS - registro de subdivisiones políticas, nivel 3o (ciudades, pueblos y poblaciones en DS) |
collection | (relation 38408) | RFCB - registro federal de cuerpos de bomberos |
collection | (relation 38409) | Registro de divisiones administrativas de Belgravia |
collection | (relation 38472) | RCCA-MIM - registro Cámera de Comercio Ardesférico - Martímart |
collection | (relation 38822) | DT-MHGRPP - Mahhal geographic registry of parks and preserves in Tarrases (relations) |
collection | (relation 39699) | DT-MHCRT - Mahhal cultural registry of temples in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 43081) | DT-MHCRV - Mahhal cultural registry of sports venues in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 43139) | DT-MHCRO - Mahhal cultural registry of ortholic churches in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 43149) | DT-MHCRRB - Mahhal cultural registry of minority religious buildings in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 43157) | DT-MHCREI - Mahhal cultural registry of educational institutions in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 43158) | DT-MHGRMH - Mahhal geographic registry of mountains and hilltops (peaks - Târrases subset) |
collection | (relation 43218) | DT-MHHRR-L - Mahhal hydrographic registry of rivers and streams (waterways in Lyr, Tárrases subset) |
collection | (relation 43219) | DT-MHERB - Mahhal economic registry of businesses in Tárrases (nodes) |
collection | (relation 43220) | DT-MHGRA10 - Mahhal government registry of neighborhoods in Tárrases (admin_level=10 nodes) |
collection | (relation 43221) | DT-MHGRP - Mahhal government registry of police agencies in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 43222) | DT-MHGRA10-R - Mahhal government registry of neighborhoods in Tárrases (admin_level=10 relations) |
collection | (relation 43223) | DT-MHGRES - Mahhal government registry of emergency services in Tárrases (fire and police) |
collection | (relation 43332) | DT-MHERHE - Mahhal economic registry of housing estates in Tárrases (nodes) |
collection | (relation 44076) | DT-MHCRHB - Mahhal cultural registry of historic boundaries in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 44161) | DT-MHTRUR - Mahhal transport registry of urban routes in Tárrases |
collection | (relation 44162) | Registry of admin_level=6 boundary relations |
collection | (relation 44163) | DT-MHGRHM - Mahhal government registry of harbourmasters in Tárrases (harbourmasters and ferry terminals) |
collection | (relation 44416) | DT-MHDR - Mahhal diplomatic registry for Tárrases (nodes) |
collection | (relation 46678) | JI-MHGRMI-R - Mahhal geographic registry of islands - January Islands (island relations) |
collection | (relation 49581) | JI-MHGRLC - Mahhal geographic registry of landcover relations in the January Islands (relations) |
collection | (relation 55774) | DT-MHGRA08 - Mahhal government registry of towns in Tárrases (admin_level=8 nodes) |
collection | (relation 55775) | RHRC-Z - registro hidrológico, ríos y corrientes Z (Comala Project) |
collection | (relation 58692) | RETQ-DP - registro especial de templos quelepenses (nodes) |
collection | (relation 60282) | |
(relation 61428) |