Welcome to the geofictician wiki.
Below are some lists of communities I have generated using scripts. Quality of lists is thus driven by data-quality in the OGF map database.
List of Tables
Here is a listing of community listings I have made so far - see note at bottom of this page if you want me to work on adding your own country or territory.
- Communities in Colonia Coreana (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Colonia Galesa (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Departamento Boreal (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Departamento de Montañas (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Departamento de Páramos (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Departamento del Centro (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Departamento del Sur (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Departamento Libertad (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Departamento Occidental (Ardisphere)
- Communities in Distrito Federal (Ardisphere)
- Template:Drull
- Template:Gobrassanya
- Template:Mahhal
- Template:West Commonia
- {{Add your country to this list (see below first!)}}
- [[put a wiki-link to a blank wiki-page where you want me to build your list HERE]]
Clarification (updated)
I think I need to do a better job explaining how this works.
This is not like the polygons project I have been working on. The polygons project pulls information from the relations for administrative areas. This project ignores the relations, and relies instead on the "label" nodes made for places: place=hamlet, place=village, place=town, place=city.
In fact, I have another version that uses relations - this isn't hard to do. However, it's not useful given even in a well-developed country like the Ardisphere, fewer than 5% of communities have boundary relations. Most communities are just nodes - even for fairly important cities like Ciudad Trece Templos I still have not drawn boundary relations.
That is why I decided to use nodes. Using nodes, even a fairly undeveloped country like West Commonia can be "cleaned up" a little bit and a community listing can be produced.
How this works (updated)
Fix the tags on place nodes on your map
The first step is to "clean up" the tags for hamlets, villages, towns and cities in a given country. This includes adding or fixing tags such as
- place
- admin_level
- is_in:country
- is_in:state
- is_in:county
- ref
- population
- ogf:text ... any kind of "note" you might want to attach
- ogf:wiki_article ... this is if you have unicode characters in your location name and want to ensure there is a working link for the article in the table (see table for Ardisphere Depto. de Páramos Lagartópolis, which uses Farsi characters, for example)
- ogf:label_for_relation ... this supports a MAP link back to the relation that the place node is in the "label" role for (see table for Ardisphere Depto. de Páramos Lagartópolis for example)
- etc.
Below, I show the contrast of "before" and "after" for Gautig, Gobrassanya. When I looked at Gobrassanya for this project, the place nodes had only name and place. Here is a screenshot of the city of Gautig, Arcois, Gobrassanya, before I added the extra tags required:
Here is a screenshot after I added the extra tags (I only added the absolute minimum required - I did not add population or extra notes, etc.):
in Potlatch
I had to do this for all the nodes in Gobrassanya, in order to generate the list. But moving forward, into the future, it will be easier, since the new tags only need to be added as new community nodes are added.
Once the data is cleaned up and I have a .OSM with the cleaned data (saved locally or extracted from the .PBF OGF backup file), then I can run my script. It's very quick, even on my lousy Korean Jooyontech PC. A few seconds for hundreds of locations. Then there is an output text file: wikitable.txt. I open the file, and cut-and-paste into a wiki edit window. Samples linked below. If the data is clean I can do it in less than 10 minutes.
If you want me to try to make a list for your country, then have a try at cleaning up your place nodes (for examples of how to do this, take a look at data for locations already completed above - West Commonia is a good example because it has low data density so it's easy to download and look at a part of the map).
Then, after you've cleaned up your data, add your country to my list above, with an "empty" page for me to fill, and when I get a chance, I will give it a try (there must be a delay, since I have to wait for a new, successful backup file that includes your fixed data).